
The colocation service is the process of physically storing client’s equipment in a specially adapted for this purpose data center that meets certain requirements for room temperature, humidity, dustiness, uninterrupted power supply, Internet connectivity and more.
The service enables the company to focus on its core business, leaving the physical care of its

equipment in the right place and in the hands of professionals. Colocation is intended for all international and Bulgarian clients who want to ensure maximum security and continuity for their business, who want to take advantage of the high speed of Internet connectivity, equipment security, and power supply, and/or disaster resilience.

Contact us

Our colocation services are provided in our four data centers

SDC Sofia,

SDC Sofia 2,

SDC Stolnik,

SDC Ruse.

Hands-on-site now via live stream!

Hands-on-site now via live stream!

Neterra offers the Hands-on-site service via live stream. At the end of 2020, immediately after the second lockdown due to Covid-19, the company's on-duty engineers were equipped with live broadcast cameras.

When Neterra customers want to make sure that various settings or technical manipulations on their machines and equipment are performed correctly, they no longer need to physically visit the data center.

In a live connection, they can explain to a specialist from the company exactly what they want to do, and then follow on video that their instructions are executed accurately, with high quality.

Watch a video

Complete solutions for your business

You can add to your data center services high quality and fast internet, cloud platform and other IT and telecom services.

Learn more

SDC 2 Video Tour



  • Eliminating the need to hire network equipment specialists;

  • Better and faster access for Internet users to sites hosted on client servers;

  • Reduced electricity costs;

  • Authorized 24-hour access to client equipment;

  • Security and technical support - 24/7;

  • Account for monitoring the traffic used:;

  • Restart of the machines;

  • Free MX and DNS records;

  • Authorized access to the equipment according to the client's wishes;

  • SLA quality assurance agreement.

Basic Colocation

Basic Colocation

Neterra provides colocation services specifically designed for crypto miners. We provide the opportunity for the deployment of client's equipment in a data center environment with controlled air temperature, security, power supply, and a strict policy of neutral connectivity. 

What you get:

  • Unlimited power supply

  • Guaranteed 35°C temp. in the data rooms

  • Installation of your equipment

  • Hands-on-site

  • Service monitoring

  • Manned security, CCTV, access control

Request Form

Additional services

Additional services

  • Physical interconnectivity with other operators (cross-connect);

  • Virtual interconnection with other operators;

  • 48V N + 1 power supply, reserved A + B in customer communication cabinet;

  • Larger communication cabinets: 60x100x200cm.

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Buyer's Guide for
Data Center Colocation.