On October 8 and 9, Neterra is attending Sofia Science Festival 2022

The company has been partnering to the event for 3 years; this year Neterra is holding free workshops


Neterra is a sponsor of the Sofia Science Festival, which will be held on October 8 and 9, Saturday and Sunday, in Sofia Tech Park, Bulgaria.

Traditionally, the company holds free workshops outdoors. This year there will be three – for radio amateurs (both days between 12:30 and 15:30), for natural sciences (Saturday and Sunday from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm) and for cinema lovers (from 3:30 to 4:30 pm).

Young people worldwide have taken up HAM radio as a hobby again after the huge popularity of the Netflix series Stranger Things. In it, the main characters communicate at a distance mainly through radio stations, build antennas and belong to a radio amateur club.

Visitors to Neterra's tent will have a chance to see live and try out how to talk to such radio stations and what equipment is used, and they will connect with other radio amateurs worldwide.

Neterra employees who are members of the Neterra LZ1KRN radio amateur club, their friends and like-minded people have been conducting this workshop for 3 years. Audience interest is growing, and the LZ1KRN members already have fans and followers from previous releases.

In the second workshop, champions of the International Young Naturalist's Tournament, supported by Neterra, will demonstrate various experiments live (from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm on both days).

The workshop for film lovers will also be held on Saturday and Sunday, from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm. On October 8, the producer of the new Bulgarian film "Petya, on my Petya" will speak at it. The next day, the audience will meet other film industry representatives.

Welcome to the festival and don't forget to visit Neterra's tent!

We will be happy to meet and share our hobbies with you!