Neterra starts 2019 with key business events

Find out where we are going to be in January


PTC’s annual conference will happen in Honolulu, Hawai between 20-23 January. The conference is a strategic springboard for the global communications industry, providing all attendees with access to global companies working in the telecommunication industry. Traditionally the event is organized by PTC, a global non-profit membership organization promoting the information advancement and communication technologies (ICT) in the Pacific Rim, the most dynamic geography of the world, spanning over 40 nations.

CEE CEE (Central and Eastern Europe carriers and enterprises event), the biggest telecommunications conference in South-Eastern Europe, will happen in Opatija, Croatia between 23 and 25 January. This will be the 8th edition with more than 400 attendees, representing companies from more than thirty countries. During the event there will be businesses that operates in the telecommunications, banking, system integrations, information security and closely related fields. This year the event will have two main focuses: emerging fields of Digital Transformation and Information Security.