Neterra received Special Award of the Jury at ICT Summit Eurasia Awards'11

The awards were given as part of the ICT Summit Eurasia Bilisim Zirvesi in Istanbul

Neterra was awarded for Sofia Data Center, which is another recognition for the project at forum of a high scale. The newly built data center is constructed according to the highest standards and requirements and offers a high level of connectivity. The award was accepted by Neven Dilkov, Managing Director of Neterra, at the official ceremony, part of the ICT Summit Eurasia'11.
ICT Summit Eurasia Awards'11 is organized as part of the ICT Summit Eurasia Bilisim Zirvesi in Istanbul, which is currently happening, just before CeBIT Belisim Eurasia. The conference is designed as a platform to encourage the cooperation between the companies in the whole Eurasia. The most successful ICT projects in the region, completed in 2011, were awarded at the Summit for the first time this year.
23 projects met the competition entry requirements but only 5 companies were among the awarded. The projects have been evaluated on the targeted and actual completion dates, the geographical coverage, implemented technologies, research and development preceding the project, the specific parameters and project originality. Except Neterra "Special Price of the Jury" was given also to KocSistem. TAV IT received the first prize, second place went to Vodafone, and third to Telenity.
"It's a great honor for us to receive the Special Price of the Jury at such a prestigious forum that gathered well-established IT companies in the region," commented Mr. Dilkov. "To construct Sofia Data Center we used our extensive experience in the design and management of data centers. We have gone through numerous challenges, but it feels wonderful at the end when you see that the hard work and efforts spent are highly appreciated, " he added.
Sofia Data Center is the first and only one colocation facility in Bulgaria which was designed for such from the planning stage. All Bulgarian networks are interconnected with biggest telecoms in Europe in the two meet-me rooms. Sofia Data Center received its first recognition this year when nominated in the New Data Center category at the European Data Center Awards.