Neterra LZ1KRN Amateur Radio Club organizes radio workshops

They will take place on September 26th and 27th during the Sofia Science Festival


Neterra Amateur Radio Club LZ1KRN organizes interactive radio workshops on September 26 and 27 (Saturday and Sunday) from 11:30 am and 3:30 pm. They will be held as part of the Sofia Science Festival in front of the John Atanasov Building in Sofia Tech Park, with the special participation of the world-famous radio amateur Victor Marinov - LZ1NY.

Attendees will learn interesting facts about the world of technology and will gain useful practical skills. These include how they can connect to a QO-100 satellite with an amateur radio transponder and reach other people around the world through it.

Apart from the radio workshops, on both days of the festival between 10 am and 8 pm representatives of the radio club will be available for questions and conversations with anyone who wants to learn more about amateur radio, how radio waves propagate, what are the digital methods of work with a radio station and many others.

The Neterra Club LZ1KRN was founded on June 14, 2017, by employees of the company who love to pursue their hobbies, promote technology knowledge, and make friends with people around the world.

Throughout the year they participate in various international competitions for radio amateurs. Each of them started with the curiosity to assemble their own equipment and check if it works.

If you want to deal with technologies, expand your knowledge about them, or just meet and talk to these interesting and curious people, be their guest!

The Radio Signals area is freely accessible. You will recognize it by the antenna! Radio amateurs will speak in accessible language, so the event is also suitable for children!

Neterra is a partner of the Sofia Science Festival, organized by the British Council - Bulgaria.