Neterra is in the D-U-N-S register under number 628155269

The D&B identification code is used by companies with the highest organizational standards


Neterra is now part of the international business register of The Dun & Bradstreet under D-U-N-S number 628155269.

The DUNS number (Data Universal Numbering System) is a unique 9-digit code that identifies businesses around the world and their connection with other corporate structures.

The company that owns the registry – The Dun & Bradstreet (D&B), connects the D-U-N-S numbers of parent companies, subsidiaries and branches of more than 240 million corporate entities worldwide.

Globally, the DUNS number is used by companies with the highest organizational standards and is recognized and recommended / required by more than 50 global trade associations, including the United Nations, US and Australian government institutions, and the European Commission.