Mapa de Cobertura

Nossa rede metropolitana está em expansão contínua e nosso mapa é atualizado trimestralmente. Áreas adicionais de cobertura podem não estar incluídas no mapa atual. Por favor, entre em contato conosco caso sua área de interesse não esteja incluída nas informações de cobertura mais atualizadas.

Dedicated Internet

Neterra offers Dedicated Internet Access for businesses, with a signed Service Level Agreement (SLA) ensuring 100% of your committed bandwidth 100% of the time.

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Dark Fiber

You can rent dark fiber from the Netera network. At service endpoints, we support the following connector types: E2000/APC, FC/APC, FC/PC, LC/PC, LC/АPC, SC/PC, SC/APC.

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Ethernet Private Line

High-speed virtual point-to-point connection with dedicated bandwidth and customer ports at any of Neterra's network points of presence.

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Unmatched Connectivity

  • All Data Centers: We're the only company with a fiber network that directly reaches and interconnects every data center in Sofia – not just ours own, but all of them.

  • Bulgaria-Wide Network: Our Sofia fiber network is integrated with our national backbone, connecting major cities like Varna, Veliko Tarnovo, Burgas, Plovdiv, and Ruse.

Your Business Gains

Competitive speeds and bandwidths tailored to your business needs.

Unlimited capacity through a new optical network enabled by XGPON technology

Uninterrupted internet with guaranteed uptime (SLA) and a high level of reliability.

Guaranteed symmetrical download and upload speed.

24/7 support - fast and competent assistance from a qualified team of experts.

Proven track record, positive reviews and high customer satisfaction.

What Our Clients Say

International Recognition

Neterra: The Best Central and Eastern European Carrier

Neterra: The Best Central and Eastern European Carrier

Capacity Global Carrier Awards 2023

NetIX: Best Peering Operator

NetIX: Best Peering Operator

Global Carrier Awards 2023 by Carrier Community, the global international club of telecom operators

They trusted us for better connectivity

Acronis Discordia Nuvei Payhawk Atos UBB Fadata Huawei Alianz MasterCard

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